How do I uninstall Ascension?
Removing Ascension from your system is simple. Please follow these steps carefully:
• Locate and delete your Ascension Data Library folder, named ‘ASCENSION 1.5.1 DATA LIBRARY’ or 'ASCENSION 1.5.1 SPECIAL EDITION DATA LIBRARY' or similar - this large folder came with your original download and contains all of Ascension's sounds, waveforms and presets. Find out more here.
Tip: You can use your PC or Mac's file browser to locate or search for the folder, or you can find the folder by choosing 'Open Data Folder' from Ascension's Browser Menu here:
• Windows: Use Windows "Add or remove programs" feature to remove your remaining configuration files and Plug-Ins.
• Mac OS X: Move to Trash/ Bin your VST / VST3 / Audio Unit Ascension plugin files. These are installed to the default Mac OS locations:
Mac HD > Library > Audio > Plug-Ins > VST / VST3 / Components
Finally Delete your Ascension Configuration Folder - you can find this here:
Location: 'Mac HD > Library > Application Support > CubicAudio > Ascension'
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